155 videos. Above in spoiler you can find the links for download and as well for watch the videos online! is the world's leading ladyboy megasite featuring the most beautiful and horniest models you could ever desire. We have hundreds of HD movies, thousands of glamorous high resolution pics and the sluttiest live ladyboy webcam girls ready to satisfy your every need. All the content is organized and categorized and is easy to search. All photo sets can be browsed using our state of the art hands free slide show and advanced flash movie players. It also goes by the shortened name of LB69 and it comes packed with mostly high-def videos. You'll see hot and horny ladyboys and femboys playing on camera alone and doing it with cute guys and even with other horny trannies. There's a nice selection of smiling Asian shemales to check out and many are accessible by email, if you need some personal attention. I always get a chuckle when a sitename is so obscure that I can't guess what the content is going to be. Such was the case for the site LB 69, which immediately made me think of the sex act. In the end, it's alternative name is Ladyboy 69. Over the years this site has changed its appearance and currently when you sign into Ladyboy69 the banner changes to Despite the two sites sharing the same design and content, they actually occupy separate domains. At any rate the latest incarnation is sleek looking and has a movie section, but for photos you'll need to access the monthly archives, which stretch back to July 2005. Chicks with dicks is nothing new, really, but what about HOT chicks with dicks, especially the cuties from Asia? That's what Ladyboy 69 promises to deliver-- photos and videos of cute, transsexual Asian girls masturbating and getting fucked by their resident mack daddy, Candyman. The landing page is the beginning of the alphabetized model index instead of the update archive. Luckily, each model has her update days listed under her thumbnail photo, so you know how long ago everything was added. To the left is a handy link to all the hardcore content, where you'll find girl/girl, guy/girl, and group action. All the guy/girl action is done with the so-called Candyman, a decent looking dude who has the pleasure of filling the tight asses of these Asian ladyboys. If you love the look of a gorgeous, slim Asian ladyboy, then you're going to really enjoy browsing through the action at Ladyboy 69. There are over 300 different models here for you to enjoy, with each one having a distinct look or attribute that will make you fall in love with them. The videos and pictures either feature one Asian ladyboy who jerks herself off and fingers her asshole, or it gives you a good hardcore fucking scene, with her taking it up her poop chute and squeezing it tightly until it milks hot cum all over her.